Antonio Vivaldi – Le Quattro Stagioni a Parti Reali (LP, Fone)


Antonio Vivaldi – Le Quattro Stagioni a Parti Reali (LP, Fone)

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t is the only recording in the world in which all the instruments of the famous Cremona Violins collection are “protagonists”: the Stradivari violin, the “Cremonese” (1715) played by Marco Fornaciari, the “Giuseppe Guarnieri detto del Gesu” played by Giuseppe Volpato (1734), the “Carlo IX” by Andrea Amati played by Antonio De Lorenzi (1566), the viola “Stauffer” by Antonio and Gerolamo Amati played by Igor Merlini (1615). In addition to these instruments, there is another exceptional instrument, namely the double bass, the “Gasparo da Salo”, played by Leonardo Colonna (1590), which does not belong to the “school” of Cremona but to that of Brescia. Vivaldi’s Four Seasons has been a huge success for two and a half centuries, renewed at every private listening and every public performance. One can say without hesitation that there is no other work in the classical repertoire of equal renown. This album was recorded in the “Chiesa di San Sigismondo” in Cremona. The choice of this place was determined by its wonderful acoustics, which made it possible to achieve an extraordinary result. Also for this recording Giulio Cesare Ricci used a “field effect” recording technique, natural sound, without the use of equalizers, without sound expansion and compression systems … all this to give the listener the live effect live in his own home hi-fi system confer as if he were present at the performances. Limited edition: 496 pieces 180 gr. virgin vinyl Pure analogue recording. Pure analogue cutting.

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Είδος Μουσικής

Classical Music

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