More Jazz Recordings – Fone Anniversary (LP, Fone)


More Jazz Recordings – Fone Anniversary (LP, Fone)


SKU: Fone LP 124 Category:

This LP completes the list of tracks for the “Jazz Recording fone 35th Anniversary” project. On the occasion of fone’s 35th anniversary, Signore Giulio Cesare Ricci wanted to produce an album dedicated to jazz. During these years he has recorded many “ensembles”: duos / trios / big bands / quartets. The peculiarity of this album is that he has selected a track from every jazz production that has been realized over the years. Different artists, different locations, but all recordings have one thing in common – Giulio Cesare Ricci and his analogue and tube-based recording system. If you listen to this record, you will hear a homogeneous, natural, dynamic and realistic sound in all songs, even if the songs were recorded in different years – this peculiarity makes the album unique.

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