Musica Nuda – Petra Magoni & Ferruccio Spinetti Live at Museo Piaggio (LP, 45RPM, Japan, Fone)



SKU: LP 170 Fone Category:

This live is part of the recordings I made on the occasion of concerts of the fone Music Festival Piaggio 2021. With this album, the extraordinary artistic collaboration between Musica Nuda (Petra Magoni voice, Ferruccio Spinetti double bass) and fone Records continues in recent years with the publication of numerous vinyls highly appreciated all over the world. Musica Nuda in this album at 45rpm features live songs by Lennon – McCartney (Eleanor Rigby), Battisti – Mogol (Perche no), Nessun dorma (Puccini) etc I made this recording on 10th September 2021 at the Piaggio Museum located in Pontedera, the place where Piaggio was born and where it still continues to produce today. The Master has been implemented with the Ampex ATR 102 (Electronic Tube Ampex Model 351-1965) 2 tracks, 1/2 inch, 30ips modified by David Manley The mastering for the Vinyl was made using the Signoricci’s analog and valve system.

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