Young Beethoven: String Trio in C minor (LP, Yarlung)


Le Jeune Beethoven : Trio Cordes en Ut Majeur [Vinilo] [Vinyl] Janaki String Trio; Ludwig van Beethoven and None


SKU: YAR53966376V Category:

“Happy 250th Birthday Beethoven! Your music sounds fresh, exciting and inspiring as it must have when you were alive and writing it in your young prime. Amazing to have created this magnificent trio when you were only 27 years old. Beethovens Trios — he wrote four in all — are early works, but already in the C Minor work on this LP the tread of the dramatic master is apparent. Just the opening, a dark, menacing melody that shows up again in the great Opus 131 Quartet of many years later, tells us that. C Minor was Beethovens most dramatic tonality throughout his lifetime; even though this early trio tends to slither into happier C Major tones rather readily, the dark shadows are never completely out of earshot. –Alan Rich Janaki String Trio won the Coleman Chamber Music Competition and the Concert Artists Guild International Competition. And writing about Janakis Carnegie debut, Allan Kozinn wrote the Janaki musicians were fresh and energetic in Beethovens Trio –Allan Kozinn, New York Times This music sounds fresh and energizing just as it must have for Beethoven and his first lucky audiences.”

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Yarlung Records

Record Labels


Είδος Μουσικής

Classical Music




45rpm, Vinyl



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